PDF position – removal of trace organic contaminants from bioretention cells.

Position: Postdoctoral fellow in Passeport lab.

Location: University of Toronto, St George downtown campus, Toronto, Canada

Start date: as early as February/March 2018

Project description:

Bioretention cells are urban stormwater control systems used to collect, infiltrate, and treat stormwater runoff. Their efficiency for the removal of trace organic contaminants is poorly understood. In this research, the successful candidate will conduct field and laboratory studies to better characterize the fate of selected trace organic contaminants. For that, a field tracer injection experiment will be conducted at a bioretention site in Ontario. Mesocosms will be set up to investigate the degradation potential and stable carbon isotope fractionation of selected chemicals.


The candidates should have experience in at least one of the following areas: environmental engineering, analytical chemistry, stable isotope chemistry, passive water treatment systems, hydrology, or water quality improvement.


Interested applicants should send a CV including a list of publications and the name of three referees to Prof Elodie Passeport at Elodie.passeport@utoronto.ca. To be sure to be considered for the position, applications should be received by January 31st, 2018.


More information about the lab can be found on our website.


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