
 Q Exactive (LC-MS)

Print The Thermo Q-Exactive is a hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer capable of generating high resolution, accurate mass (HRAM) data. The Q-Exactive is ideal for qualitative and quantitative metabolomics or small molecule studies as well as for proteomics studies (Bottom-up). Capable of being operated in both positive and negative ionization modes, the Q-Exactive provides a robust and versatile platform with the ability to be used with a multitude of ionization sources (ESI, HESI II, nano-ESI, and APCI). It can be further coupled to either a Dionex Ultimate 3000 UHPLC system or a Proxeon Easy-nLC 1000 for chromatographic separation of samples prior to MS analysis.

Mass Range: 50-6000 (m/z)
Max Resolving Power: 140k @ m/z 200
Scan rate: up to 12Hz
Mass Accuracy: Internal < 1ppm, External <3ppm
Sensitivity: Full MS (500fg Buspirone, S/N 100:1), SIM (50fg Buspirone, SN 100:1)
Dynamic Range: 4000:1
MS data acquisition: Full MS/SIM/All Ion fragmentation in HCD
Ion sources: ESI, HESI II, nano-ESI, APCI
Chromatography systems: Dionex Ultimate 3000, Proxeon Easy-nLC 1000

Exactive (LC-MS)

Print The Thermo Exactive is an Orbitrap mass spectrometer capable of generating high resolution, accurate mass (HRAM) data. The Exactive is ideal for qualitative and quantitative metabolomics or small molecule studies. Capable of being operated in both positive and negative ionization modes, the Exactive provides a robust and versatile platform with the ability to be used with a multitude of ionization sources (ESI, HESI II, and APCI). It is coupled to a Thermo Accela High Speed LC system to provide chromatographic separation of samples prior to MS analysis.

Mass Range: 50-4000 (m/z)
Max Resolving Power: 100k @ m/z 200
Scan rate: up to 10Hz
Mass Accuracy: Internal < 2ppm, External <5ppm
Sensitivity: Full MS (500fg Buspirone, S/N 10:1)
Dynamic Range: 4000:1
MS data aquisition: Full MS/All Ion fragmentation in HCD
Ion sources: ESI, HESI II, APCI
Chromatography system: Accela High Speed LC

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