Collaborate with BioZone

Alison-McGuigan-and-Darren-RodenhizerBioZone actively partners with a wide range of industry and public sector partners and is eager to develop new partnerships that will facilitate the translation of BioZone research into commercial practice. By working at the interface of biology and engineering, BioZone researchers are focused on finding sound bioengineering solutions to real-world problems by leveraging the recent dramatic progress in biology, particularly in genome science and genome analysis tools. BioZone unites researchers involved in all stages of taking an idea from the lab to commercial application. This ensures that viable technologies can be developed in the context of our partners needs and constraints.

Why Partner With BioZone

  • BioZone researchers have a wide range of practical expertise including: sustainable production of biofuels and bioproducts, bioremediation, wastewater treatment, anaerobic digetsion, protein and metabiolic engieering, and more. Additional Information.

  • BioZone is home to over 9 research groups and over 130 scientific and administrative personnel who are trained in a wide variety of scientific and analytical techniques.

  • BioZone is home to over 1,800 m2 of laboratory and research workspace. State of the art equipment includes a Mass Spectrometry Facility, bioreactors, anaerobic chambers, and advanced analsyitical tools.

  • BioZone provides a nexus bewteen science and engineering where the best minds from relevant disciplines work together using state-of-the-art equipment to develop innovative biotechnology to solve defined problems.

  • Partnering with academic institutions allows industry to leverage their research investment with matching funds from the federal and provincial governments.

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