Posts Categorized: BioZone Community

Interview with new Adjunct Professor Nigel Guilford

What was your PhD research? Tell us about Daisy! “This really began a long time ago in the search for affordable technologies to digest organic solid waste. These technologies are common in Europe, but they have stringent regulations that restrict…

Sustainable plastics degradation for recycling

In response to the increase in social awareness about environmental issues, biodegradable plastics are getting more popular. Several types of biodegradable polyesters with different physical properties have emerged to replace traditional petroleum-based polymers. However, there is no efficient recycling strategy…

Cleaner Mining

The challenge of supplying future mineral demands is alarmingly complex. Earth’s high-grade primary metal reserves are depleting, and this calls for new alternative mining strategies to complement – and eventually replace – traditional pyro/hydrometallurgy techniques. Biomining is a technique which…

Preventing Iron and Micro-nutrient Deficiency with Tea

Micronutrient poor diets around the globe, and in particular in the developing world, cause deficiencies in iron and folic acid. Rectifying this issue through food fortification has been the focus of my graduate research. The fortification of black tea with…

Probiotics Treatment for Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is one of the most common chronic inflammatory diseases of the small and large intestine. The symptoms include diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and abdominal pain due to inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract. Currently, there is…

Cleaning up benzene contamination

Benzene is a simple hydrocarbon that occurs naturally in crude oils and refined fuels, and is used as a precursor in industrial processes. It is a common contaminant in fuel storage and industrial sites. Benzene is highly toxic and carcinogenic,…

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